Journal Prompt for September
Create some time to journal your answers to the following questions:
• What were some of the more influential limiting beliefs in your life that were passed down to you?
• In what areas of your life did these beliefs once support you? And in what areas of your life do they no longer support the path you are now on?
• What is something you can give yourself permission to do more of that would immediately improve the quality of your life? Is there a current limiting belief that is getting in the way of you doing this? If so, what is it?
This post is an edited excerpt from Module 2 of my upcoming online course “Refocus & Renew Your Life®”. In that module, you will learn how to rewrite the storyline of your life by adopting new beliefs.
The online course “Refocus & Renew Your Life®” will be available this fall on the world’s foremost online course platform, Udemy. Details for enrollment will be announced in October 2021.
Visit Amazon to purchase the book or audiobook of “In Spite Of…”.