Create Your Best Life In an Age of Loneliness

The United States Surgeon General classifies loneliness and isolation as an epidemic. While this epidemic is mounting an assault on the health of society, it is particularly devastating to the hopes and dreams of people fifty and over.

Having walked the road of grief after the death of her husband, bestselling author Joanie Marx has not only lived through loneliness, but she is now sharing proven solutions for winning the battle against loneliness and isolation.

In her acclaimed fourth book, Joanie’s inspiring, heartfelt stories and timely insights not only reframe false myths on love, aging and happiness after fifty, but they deliver a mental blueprint on how to fortify your emotional well-being against this epidemic.

Joanie also delivers detailed steps for finding true love after fifty while giving you a roadmap to navigate the path to where the life of your dreams lives.

In Spite Of...™

Released in September 2020, and already an Amazon #1 International Best Seller, Joanie’s new book, In Spite Of…, delivers eye-opening insights and inspiring true stories for overcoming your life’s biggest obstacles and reconnecting with your true self.

In Spite Of...™ Audiobook

Narrated by gifted, Jodie Bentley, the #1 Amazon International Best Seller, “In Spite Of…”, by Joanie Marx, is brought to life in this engaging and inspiring audiobook.  Excerpt from Ch. 9 of the book is below. 

Facelifts, Money & Prince Charming

Released in 2015, Joanie’s first book has since gone on to become a #1 Amazon Best Seller, receiving rave reviews by all who have been inspired by it. Watch the book trailer and order your copy below.


In October 2020, Joanie joined 20 other leading edge entrepreneurial influencers and business leaders to co-author a groundbreaking book titled, “The Experts Cure: How Entrepreneurs Are Changing the World”.

Joanie’s chapter is titled “The Invisible Customer With All the Money®”. In it she shares not only her inspiring journey as a Storytelling Magician™, but Joanie reveals how the media has portrayed the 50+ consumer as old, obsolete, and unsexy and what brands can do to authentically engage with this influential consumer by telling a new, more empowering narrative.

“The Experts Cure” was officially released in March 2021 and became a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling book as well as a #1 Amazon bestseller.


“In the final episode of the final season of Game of Thrones, the surviving leaders are trying to put together a new world which will give them common purpose for the future. One of them, Tyrion Lanister is asked what might unite the several factions. His response comes from what can only be called definitional for the human condition.

What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags? Stories! There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it.”

What makes The Experts Cure great is just this – every sub-author tells a story. Each is different, but they all overlap at one level or another. The opening chapter by Joanie Marx introduces us to the operative phrase, ‘Storytelling Magician’, for good reason.

Once we are aware of this foundational concept, each of the other chapters is able to create a unique space into which the reader learns methodologies as well as finding both solace and motivation; because of the stories they tell.”

David Blacher
Real-Estate Investor

“Rob Kosberg’s ‘The Experts Cure’ is a treasure trove of sage advice – and a timely one at that! As we slowly move out of the era of Covid-19 and return to better times (and I know we will) – those seeking practical guidance in the pursuit of happiness – while realizing their business plans or relating to plain life in general – can find cogent answers to both personal fulfillment and professional success.

This valuable gem of a book is a veritable Almanac of Inspiration. Joanie Marx’s chapter, in particular, was engaging. I found myself constantly nodding in agreement with Joanie’s insightful chapter on ‘The Invisible Customer With All The Money®.’

It’s quite true, sadly – those over 50 are portrayed in a highly distorted and very unflattering way by Madison Avenue advertisers. They think we’re “over the hill” and “feeble” – and these myths are what we see in advertising media. It’s time these outdated myths and false stereotypes are deleted from our society.  This chapter shows once again that Ms. Marx is America’s No. 1 myth-buster! ‘The Expert’s Cure’ was a great read and I highly recommend it.”

Tom Schwartz

In Spite Of - #1 Amazon International Bestseller

If you are ready to create the life you desire without emotional baggage weighing you down, Joanie Marx’s Amazon #1 international best-selling book, “In Spite Of: How to Refocus & Renew Your Life® in Spite of the Obstacles on the Path to Love & Happiness” is for you!  

Whether you are a Baby Boomer or the child or grandchild of one, there is a good chance the inner beliefs you have about yourself are generationally shared. According to #1 Amazon international best-selling author, Joanie Marx, these beliefs were shaped by The Seven Myths of Love & Happiness™, which Marx first introduced in her uplifting memoir, “Facelifts, Money & Prince Charming”.

Overcome life’s biggest obstacles with the help of the Six Steps to Refocus & Renew Your Life®

In the highly anticipated sequel to her first book, Joanie takes you on a deeper journey into what the myths are and how to break the rules that enforce them. In the pages of “In Spite Of…” she delivers eye-opening insights that are eloquently woven into inspiring true stories for overcoming your life’s biggest obstacles with the help of the Six Steps to Refocus & Renew Your Life®.

From learning how to unpack your emotional baggage to unlocking the power of your true self, this book will show you that doors of opportunity can be opened at any time and at any age when you Refocus & Renew Your Life®.  

Listen to one of the audiobook excerpts from the Introduction of the #1 Amazon International Bestselling book “In Spite Of…” by Joanie Marx. The audiobook is narrated by the gifted, Jodie Bentley. Background music and graphics created for the audiogram excerpts are produced by Austin Alchemy of Austin Media Productions.


“This is a great book!” 

“A timely and surprisingly optimistic book whose lessons come not from theory but from painful, real-life experiences.

From an early childhood memory of overhearing her parents discussing essentially discussing getting rid of her (every child’s worst nightmare) to painful life changes that she had to endure in adulthood, Joanie Marx has gone through some awful experiences yet has managed to keep her positive and upbeat attitude and now serves as a role model for all of us, no matter what we are going through.

This book can very much change your life and help you refocus and put things into perspective. I very much recommend it.”

Josh Effron

“You MUST Read this Book if You Want to Improve Your Life.”

“This is an extremely well-written and hard-hitting book from page 1. It immerses the reader in the author’s story and you relate to her story with experiences of your own.

The author explains with wonderful clarity her version of “Domestication and the Dream of the Planet” as written by Don Miguel Ruiz in “the Four Agreements” and its impact on her life (and yours).

If you are brave enough to really allow yourself to believe and act on what Ms. Marx is suggesting, it could have an amazing influence on your life and your future.”

Lanie Constable

“Just in time!” 

“What a perfect time to find this book. The title hooked me! I have been searching for better ways to face social upheaval, economic uncertainty, political nastiness, and health issues, now topped off by a pandemic. Yikes!

Joanie Marx promised me I could regain my equanimity “in spite of” everything. What the book cover promised the contents delivered.

She laid out the negative ways we trip ourselves up and then reminded me that we are each an awesome package of pure potentiality (even the people that drive me nuts!). This new way of looking at things is really helping me, and it came just in time.”

Linda S. Kennedy

“The art of introspection & self correction.”

“The most compelling force of this book is that it draws on the real experiences of the author – both instructive and disabling.

The assemblage of the book with the totally relevant quotes at the start of each chapter creates a powerful and adaptable message for the reader.”


#1 Amazon best seller Facelifts, Money & Prince Chraming – Joanie Marx
Is aging a disease? Is self-love a myth?
Can youth be reclaimed after 55?
Does happiness have an expiration date?

These are just a few of the questions Baby Boomer advocate and Hollywood actress, Joanie “McGranny” Marx, boldly addresses in her new, eye-opening book, “Facelifts, Money and Prince Charming: Break Baby Boomer Myths & Live Your Best Life”.

With a rapidly aging population, the desire for living a lengthy and quality life is shattered by media stories that paint a grim picture of those over the age of 55 as slow, unsexy and obsolete. By addressing the myths behind these stories, Marx reveals the secret for undoing the fears of being discarded, unseen and abandoned as we age.

Showing where and how to break the seven myths that shaped the lives of Baby Boomers and all generations that follow, Marx passionately debunks mythical claims that there is not enough love, happiness and success to go around. Along the way  she reveals the power of forgiveness and gratitude, as she poignantly weaves in the complex and emotionally charged relationship with her mother.

If you’re tired of feeling shamed and blamed into mediocrity, this inspirational book is the key to unlock the hidden treasure for how to live your best life and not the life the media says you should be living. Whether you’re a Baby Boomer or part of a generation that came after them, this is a must-read book.