By Joanie Marx
How many times have negative things happened to us or those we know, and the common response is, “Well, that’s just life.” If the experience of ups and downs were normal, how come they feel so abnormal? We go to great lengths to experience the feelings of love on a more consistent basis. At the same time, we are conditioned to expect the inconsistency of love, all but guaranteeing we are going to sabotage our own sense of joy.
Believing in the inconsistency of love, we unconsciously create scenarios that rob us of our happiness, reinforcing the myth that there isn’t enough happiness and love to go around. If we don’t get what we want, the belief of not being worthy of love is reinforced. This is the foundation of living in a scarcity-based mindset.
If we have conflicting philosophies, each of which are rooted in varying degrees of scarcity, how can we ever come to see who we truly are? How can we accept that the Prince Charming we’ve sought after is inside of us? This is one of the primary questions that I found myself asking as I started writing this book. The journey of answering this took many unexpected turns, ultimately bringing me to the crossroads of my life.
It is inevitable that at some point in our lives the two polar opposite roads of wanting love and fearing love will intersect. This is our opportunity to stop running from ourselves and accept our shortcomings. No longer afraid to look into the mirror of our soul, we can see our imperfections from a place of acceptance. By embracing our authenticity, the on-again, off-again love affair we have had with life dissolves, magically opening us up to experience a life we deserve, rather than one we tolerate.
* This post is an excerpt from chapter 14 of my #1 Amazon best-selling book, “Facelifts, Money and Prince Charming: Break Baby Boomer Myths and Live Your Best Life”.
Click here to order the book on Amazon.com.
#1 Amazon best-selling author, Hollywood actress, and Baby Boomer Advocate, Joanie Marx is your ideal speaker if:
- Your audience is 45 to 65 years of age.
- Your event carries a theme and topic aimed at Baby Boomers or businesses whose brands target this coveted audience.
- Your intent for your next event is to have a high quality, content rich speaker who can deliver a positive, life-altering experience for your audience when and where it matters most.
If the above is in alignment with your audience and event, you’re invited to take a few minutes to watch Joanie Marx’s speaker demo video here.