Springtime Announcement
It is springtime and that means many things to different people. One thing spring is known for around the world is spring cleaning.
Another way of saying this, is that spring is nature’s way of inviting us to make positive, transformative changes in the areas of our life that matter most.
Beyond the dust and clutter in our homes we are motivated to clear out, this time of year stirs a feeling within us to clear out the clutter in other areas of our life. For what is springtime but the natural cycle of revitalization and renewal of nature, which we are inherently a vital part of?
With a gradual uptick in temperature outside, coupled with the vibrant colors of nature blooming, spring initiates a natural inclination within most humans to refocus and renew their lives, from the inside out.
With that in mind, I am excited to make some big announcements that will help you Refocus & Renew Your Life®, not only this spring, but well into 2021 and beyond.
Over the past few months my team and I have been steadily transforming my recent #1 Amazon international bestselling book and audiobook, “In Spite Of…” into a pair of self-paced online courses and a free, thee-part Master Class called “Refocus & Renew Your Life®” that will be launching this spring. There is also a new, online newsletter coming.
And finally, I am going to announce on Tuesday where you can purchase a new, groundbreaking book anthology I am honored to be a part of.
For now, I wanted to again thank everyone who has not only supported my work here on Facebook, but for all those who have purchased the book and audiobook for “In Spite Of…”. Your reviews and messages about how much you have enjoyed the book have truly touched my heart.
I dedicated, “In Spite Of…” to “change, the immutable law of nature.” When change occurs, we can resist it, or we can accept the opportunity to grow and ride the waves of change into a beautifully new chapter of our life. This is the choice spring is offering each of us right now.
As Mark Twain so aptly once wrote, “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.”