We Can Make Positive Changes
We have lots of capabilities, resources, and ways of changing how we perceive ourselves. We are not the frightened children of our youth, or the disillusioned young adults we once were.
We can change our life in the areas we desire, but first, we must accept where we are in life. I know, it’s a lot easier said than done, but it is not impossible.
In this new segment of the Refocus & Renew Your Life™ video series, I talk about how to overcome childhood abandonment and what it takes to make positive changes in the now of nows.
Enjoy and please be sure to share the video with people you feel it would resonate with.
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Want to learn more about the Seven Baby Boomer Myths and how you can Refocus & Renew Your Life™ right now? Go to Amazon today and order my #1 Amazon Best Selling book, “Facelifts, Money and Prince Charming: Break Baby Boomer Myths and Live Your Best Life”.