~ Embrace the Youthfulness of Now ~
By Joanie Marx
Although, I am more conscious of my choices today than ever before, and take responsibility for them on deeper levels than I did in years past, accepting I am enough without relying on outside validation was a difficult bridge to cross.
I talk a lot about what it takes to cross that bridge from not feeling good enough to loving ourselves in my best-selling book, “Facelifts, Money & Prince Charming: Break Baby Boomer Myths & Live Your Best Life”. In fact, it was during the research and writing of the book that helped me shorten the distance between time spent seeking approval from others and accepting my own inner approval.
Over the last several years I came to a simple, yet profound realization; I am younger now than in any of my days to follow or in the moments I remember in my physical youth. It was not easy for me to embrace this truth. I now refuse to spend my time wasting valuable energy holding people responsible for my happiness, or thinking my life was somehow better in the past than it is right now.
My life today is the only moment I find value in rejoicing and celebrating. Like everyone else, I get with friends and reminisce about past experiences. I dream of achieving my goals in the future. And I experience moments of fear of what that future will be like without loved ones or if some life goals I have are not met.
But, to yearn for a better life than I have right now, or to be overwhelmed by anxiety of not having things work out the way I want, robs me of what I seek to experience in my present moment. For what other moment am I going to be as young or find more happiness and success than where I reside right now? Therefore, what is ahead of me or what is behind me is of little importance to how I am consciously enjoying the only moment that matters – the present.
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Want to learn more about the Seven Baby Boomer Myths and how you can Refocus & Renew Your Life™ right now? Go to Amazon today and order my #1 Amazon Best Selling book, “Facelifts, Money and Prince Charming: Break Baby Boomer Myths and Live Your Best Life”.
Click here to order the book on Amazon.com.
#1 Amazon Best Selling Author, Hollywood actress, and Baby Boomer Advocate, Joanie Marx is your ideal guest for your show.
- With 30 years in front of the camera and dozens of on-stage performances in front of a live audience, Joanie does not freeze and knows how to hit her mark when the lights are on.
- A master storyteller who is well versed in hooking an audience in 30-seconds or less and keeping them engaged throughout her segment.
- Delivers emotionally intense and socially relevant information in a digestible form that both Baby Boomers and younger audiences can relate to.
- Well trained in improvisational theater, Joanie can easily adapt to any environment and effortlessly interact with the personality of the host and connect with any audience.
- Brings a personable sense of humor and no-nonsense approach to complex and often controversial subjects concerning Baby Boomers and younger generations.
If the above is in alignment with your audience and event, you’re invited to take a few minutes to watch CLIPS from a few of Joanie Marx’s radio and television interviews.