~ The Youngest We’ll Ever Be* ~
By Joanie Marx
There will come a moment for all of us where the distance between what we used to do in our youth and what we are able to do right now becomes insurmountable. This is a tipping point and signals a pivotal moment in time where everything from that point on is as much about reinterpretation as it is acceptance.
For many Baby Boomers there is a never-ending series of tipping points. All sorts of life-altering experiences arrive at our doorstep, symbolizing the end of one stage of our life and the beginning of a new one. Each one feels more important than the last. Choosing which memories to keep and what to let go is a losing battle.
The only thing we can do is reinterpret what it means to be youthful in the present moment and accept the obvious passing of time. When we accept our present state of youthful exuberance there is too much fun to worry about what kind of life we used to have.
To look at our present life and know this is as young as we’ll ever be grants us the freedom to no longer gauge our joy or sadness based on what has passed us by. Accepting the lessons of our youth is not easy, though.
The journey of our life is wrought with emotional experiences that are indescribable. Some are fearful and traumatizing and others are exhilarating and joyous. In our own distinct way, we struggle with tipping points because they represent the death of long-held beliefs. To lay these beliefs to rest is step into the unknown, which is divorcing our past, once and for all.
Letting go of the past is a hard lesson to learn. One way that has worked for me is seeing the immense cost and pain of tinkering with bits and parts of the past believing in the fantasy this will have an effect on the original outcome. This releases me from believing if only I had done something different the result would have been different, and thus my life would have changed.
Truly letting go demands that we accept that the whole experience is over. The struggle to pull the past over a gulf into the present cannot be done. There is no present, no ongoing relationship to alter.
After all of the resistance to surrendering the hold that our youthful memories have over us, what else is there to do but accept the gift of youthful exuberance that comes from letting go of thinking our past is better than the present?
For right now is the youngest we will ever be. And this is worthy of a celebration!
Want to learn more about the Seven Baby Boomer Myths and how you can Refocus & Renew Your Life™ right now? Go to Amazon today and order my #1 Amazon Best Selling book, “Facelifts, Money and Prince Charming: Break Baby Boomer Myths and Live Your Best Life”.
Click here to order the book on Amazon.com.
#1 Amazon Sest Selling Author, Hollywood actress, and Baby Boomer Advocate, Joanie Marx is your ideal guest for your show.
- With 30 years in front of the camera and dozens of on-stage performances in front of a live audience, Joanie does not freeze and knows how to hit her mark when the lights are on.
- A master storyteller who is well versed in hooking an audience in 30-seconds or less and keeping them engaged throughout her segment.
- Delivers emotionally intense and socially relevant information in a digestible form that both Baby Boomers and younger audiences can relate to.
- Well trained in improvisational theater, Joanie can easily adapt to any environment and effortlessly interact with the personality of the host and connect with any audience.
- Brings a personable sense of humor and no-nonsense approach to complex and often controversial subjects concerning Baby Boomers and younger generations.
If the above is in alignment with your audience and event, you’re invited to take a few minutes to watch CLIPS from a few of Joanie Marx’s radio and television interviews.