~ Know Who You Are* ~
By Joanie Marx
For an actor who is preparing for a role the skill of knowing who your character is rarely gets overlooked. But in my experience, knowing who you are is not so obvious to people who are seeking someone to have a mutually fulfilling relationship with. The more self-aware we are, the less likely we will get involved with someone who is not well suited to our personality or lifestyle.
If you are single and looking to find someone to spend your time with, it’s important the change you seek in your life comes from within. An attempt to get what you want while secretly rejecting yourself will only lead to more unnecessary heartache, both for you and someone you want to have a relationship with.
Giving ourselves permission to love and be loved allows us to know what is really important in our lives. The key to knowing we are worthy of giving and receiving love is that it places us in the best possible position to not waste our time seeking people to be around us who are not in our best interest.
Give some thought as to what traits are important in a person you want to date at this point in your life. Do these traits align with your own? And how do they synch up with the lifestyle you see yourself living today? Are you being the person you seek, as much as being the change you seek?
You cannot look for someone to fulfill your deficits, which is to say you cannot expect someone to provide you what you are lacking within. People are always saying how much happier they would be if someone was in their life. But who wants to be with someone who is miserable?
A person who is unhappy will likely be uncomfortable receiving love because they have yet to look within themselves and accept the fact that they are truly worthy of self-love. You have to own what it is you are looking for by being what it is you seek.
Attracting the ideal person in our lives comes down to learning to first love ourselves. To love who we are is less about being narcissistic and more about knowing we are worthy of giving and receiving love. We must never forget we are our own Prince Charming.
I’m not suggesting that every coffee date you go on, or the next person you meet, is going to produce the love of your life. As an actor not every audition I go on is going to land me an Oscar opportunity. With each audition and new role I play, I am giving myself permission to let go of fears and step into the unknown. It is here that I will tap into the true essence of whatever character I’m playing. The same holds true for unleashing the real you in any situation you’re called into, particularly for a coffee date.
Want to learn more about the Seven Baby Boomer Myths and how you can Refocus & Renew Your Life™ right now? Go to Amazon today and order my #1 Amazon Best Selling book, “Facelifts, Money and Prince Charming: Break Baby Boomer Myths and Live Your Best Life”.
Click here to order the book on Amazon.com.
#1 Amazon Sest Selling Author, Hollywood actress, and Baby Boomer Advocate, Joanie Marx is your ideal guest for your show.
- With 30 years in front of the camera and dozens of on-stage performances in front of a live audience, Joanie does not freeze and knows how to hit her mark when the lights are on.
- A master storyteller who is well versed in hooking an audience in 30-seconds or less and keeping them engaged throughout her segment.
- Delivers emotionally intense and socially relevant information in a digestible form that both Baby Boomers and younger audiences can relate to.
- Well trained in improvisational theater, Joanie can easily adapt to any environment and effortlessly interact with the personality of the host and connect with any audience.
- Brings a personable sense of humor and no-nonsense approach to complex and often controversial subjects concerning Baby Boomers and younger generations.
If the above is in alignment with your audience and event, you’re invited to take a few minutes to watch CLIPS from a few of Joanie Marx’s radio and television interviews.