Reframe Your Perception of Love
I’m often asked where and how the Seven Baby Boomer Myths affect us. Although it’s true the impact of the myths will vary from one family and culture to the next, they all have one thing in common. They produce and foster a fear of love.
We were taught that love, happiness and success were outside of us, and that there was not enough of it to go around. In order not to get hurt going after love we told to obey the rules and myths of our family and culture. When we didn’t conform we were often labeled as rebels, punished and in some cases the love we received from family was withheld.
All of this lent further credence to the notion that there really wasn’t enough love, happiness and success to go around. The programming to live through scarcity became an everyday reality for most of us, whether we were consciously aware of this or not. So how do we reclaim our sense of self-love and stop telling ourselves there’s not enough love to go around?
When we reframe our perception of love, we inevitably reframe how we see our self. This opens the doors of accepting our self as our own Prince Charming and allows us the creative freedom to rewrite our personal story from the inside-out. An important factor in doing this is to adopt new beliefs.
If we’ve had a life filled with ups and downs, and now we’re ready to live our best life and enjoy the abundance, love and happiness we deserve, a new set of beliefs are likely required. For those of us in the boomer generation adopting new beliefs can be easier said than done. But it’s not impossible, and the rewards are both immediate and plentiful.
Adopting new beliefs is not about rehashing old paradigms with a slight twist to them. It means breaking free from many of the beliefs about love and who we are that were instilled into us long before we knew what was in our best interest.
When we are no longer willing to live through someone else’s perception of who they think we should be, we are free to experience a life we deserve – without apologies, guilt or excuses. Of course, this also means being a rebel.
To no longer give into the myths that say there is not enough of what we desire to go around, we are being a rebel by the mere fact we no longer follow society’s belief or rules that our fulfillment is outside of us. By surrendering our need to control the uncontrollable, we free our self from the belief that love is scarce and hurtful.
This is when we give ourselves permission to stop chasing after love, happiness or abundance outside of us. Doing so opens the doors of perception to genuinely love our self from the inside. As Dr. Wayne Dyer famously wrote, “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”
* Want to learn more about the Seven Baby Boomer Myths and how you can break them to live your best life now? Go to Amazon today and order Joanie Marx’s #1 Amazon Best Selling book, “Facelifts, Money and Prince Charming: Break Baby Boomer Myths and Live Your Best Life”.