By Joanie Marx
The true value of Baby-Boomer wisdom comes from knowing that we don’t have all the time in the world to undo whatever errors our youth racked up on the tab of life. In fact, the only time available to us is ‘now’.
This is why when Boomers look into the future, so many of our generation tend to focus on what we have to lose because we fear the debt we have to pay for the things we messed up on. Similarly, if we forward-project fearful thoughts about what may lie ahead, we may also fall into the trap of romanticizing the past to avoid painful memories and embarking on the path of forgiveness.
Whether it’s looking to the future or the past, if we fall into fear-based thinking and undersell ourselves on the power and value of our wisdom, we’re giving away the control we have to impact the most important moments of our lives – which is right now.
Our generation built up a seemingly insurmountable mountain of debt in order to live as we have, the least of which was financial. In fact, there is no more painful or difficult a debt to let go of than emotional, which ranges across a wide spectrum of experiences. But like all debt, this too can be removed. It is here that our wisdom comes into play.
In this moment, we have the wisdom and the capacity to forgive ourselves for what we think we did wrong, and also to let go of the grievances we may hold for those we believe have wronged us. Through our own inner self-empowerment, we can shine the light of our wisdom in the present to remove the illusion of outstanding debts that must be paid at a future date in order to make up for what went wrong in the past.
In doing so, we definitively expose the illusion of debt as a dysfunctional means to use past events as a justification to punish ourselves and others in the future. When we use our wisdom to remove the shackles of debt and scarcity, in all their forms, we free ourselves from outside influences. Here we can enjoy our lives in the reality of the present, which is where the true value of living is.
Want to learn more about the Seven Baby Boomer Myths and how you can Refocus & Renew Your Life™ right now? Go to Amazon today and order my #1 Amazon Best Selling book, “Facelifts, Money and Prince Charming: Break Baby Boomer Myths and Live Your Best Life”.
Click here to order the book on Amazon.com.
#1 Amazon Sest Selling Author, Hollywood actress, and Baby Boomer Advocate, Joanie Marx is your ideal guest for your show.
- With 30 years in front of the camera and dozens of on-stage performances in front of a live audience, Joanie does not freeze and knows how to hit her mark when the lights are on.
- A master storyteller who is well versed in hooking an audience in 30-seconds or less and keeping them engaged throughout her segment.
- Delivers emotionally intense and socially relevant information in a digestible form that both Baby Boomers and younger audiences can relate to.
- Well trained in improvisational theater, Joanie can easily adapt to any environment and effortlessly interact with the personality of the host and connect with any audience.
- Brings a personable sense of humor and no-nonsense approach to complex and often controversial subjects concerning Baby Boomers and younger generations.
If the above is in alignment with your audience and event, you’re invited to take a few minutes to watch CLIPS from a few of Joanie Marx’s radio and television interviews.