Journal Prompt for August
Create some time to journal your answers to the following questions:
1. What are my authentic gifts?
2. What limiting beliefs have hindered my desires to enthusiastically share my gifts with the world?
3. How can I be more open to receive all the benefits of what it is I seek in my life?
4. How can I more fully own my unique gifts and accept my true, authentic self?
This is an edited version of one of the journal prompts and self-paced exercises for Module 4 from my upcoming online course “Refocus & Renew Your Life®”. In that module, I share a four-step process to “Be What It Is You Seek”.
The online course “Refocus & Renew Your Life®” will be available this fall on the world’s foremost online course platform, Udemy. Details for enrollment will be announced in October 2021.
Visit Amazon to purchase the book or audiobook of “In Spite Of…”.