2nd Step to Adopt New Beliefs
Your second way to “Adopt New Beliefs” is to uncover which beliefs are required to bring your inner desires into a physical reality.
When your inner desires are supported by your beliefs the positive change you seek is much easier to manifest, especially in the face of outside obstacles.
When your beliefs are not aligned with your inner desires for positive change, achieving desired outcomes are incredibly difficult.
Even if a successful outcome is created, it will not be sustained if your inner beliefs are at odds with the positive changes you manifested.
Whether it is adopting entirely new beliefs or a modification of existing beliefs, it is essential you have clarity on what is needed for your inner desires to become real and sustainable.
That begins and ends with knowing which beliefs are currently serving your highest good and which ones are not.
Edited excerpt from Ch. 12 of my new #1 Amazon International Best Seller, “In Spite Of: How to Refocus & Renew Your Life® in Spite of the Obstacles on the Path to Love & Happiness”.
Visit Amazon to purchase the book or audiobook of “In Spite Of…”.