Dismantling the Myth of Aging
In this revealing video for the popular online magazine, Sixty and Me, I am dismantling the Myth of Aging.
Despite how vibrant, wise, and empowered women over sixty are, the outdated and debilitating narrative that aging is a disease persists.
What can we do about this?
As you will discover in this video, as well as in the corresponding article on Sixty and Me, we must be willing to understand how the Myth of
Aging distorts our perceptions, both in terms of who we truly are and what our place in the world is.
To help you integrate what you are learning, I also guide you through an inspiring action item to engage in over the next 21-days and share ten empowering affirmations to overwrite the Myth of Aging.
This is the fifth of a seven-part series on The Seven Myths of Love & Happiness™ for Sixty and Me.
To read the full article on the Myth of Aging visit: