Life Happens For You
“If you allow your beliefs to go unchecked, they will covertly control your life. Herein lies the foundation of the victim mindset, which keeps you feeling helpless to ever reconnect with the power of your true self.
Believing you are not in total control of your life is the foundation that a victim mindset rests on. It is the belief that life is happening to you and not for you.
When you shift your mindset to seeing life happens for you, even when something does not go your way, you realize life is not against you. This allows you to recognize the gift in life’s experiences and unearths your power to make change when and where you desire.
Therefore, when something happens that is not pleasant, rather than feeling powerless and sorry for yourself, you are offered an opportunity to reinterpret the experience as a catalyst for positive growth.”
This is an excerpt from (Ch. 13 – Pg. 137 & 138) of my #1 Amazon International Best Selling book, “In Spite Of: How to Refocus & Renew Your Life® in Spite of the Obstacles on the Path to Love & Happiness”.
Visit Amazon to purchase the book or audiobook of “In Spite Of…”.