Is aging a disease? Is self-love a myth?

Can youth be reclaimed after 55

Does happiness have an expiration date?

These are just a few of the questions Baby Boomer advocate and Hollywood actress, Joanie “McGranny” Marx, boldly addresses in her new, eye-opening book, “Facelifts, Money and Prince Charming: Break Baby Boomer Myths & Live Your Best Life”.


Facelifts, Money & Prince Charming: Break Baby Boomer Myths & Live Your Best Life

Book ad copyWith a rapidly aging population, the desire for living a lengthy and quality life is shattered by media stories that paint a grim picture of those over the age of 55 as slow, unsexy and obsolete.

By addressing the myths behind these stories, Joanie reveals the secret for undoing the fears of being discarded, unseen and abandoned as we age.

Showing where and how to break the seven myths that shaped the lives of Baby Boomers and all generations that follow, Joanie passionately debunks mythical claims that there is not enough love, happiness and success to go around. Along the way she reveals the power of forgiveness and gratitude, as she poignantly weaves in the complex and emotionally charged relationship with her mother.

If you’re tired of feeling shamed and blamed into mediocrity, this inspirational book is the key to unlock the hidden treasure for how to live your best life and not the life the media says you should be living.

Whether you’re a Baby Boomer or part of a generation that came after them, this is a must-read book.


“Facelifts, Money and Prince Charming: Break Baby Boomer Myths & Live Your Best Life” is available as a Kindle edition, hard cover, and trade paperback release at 

Be sure to stop by and get access to free excerpts of the book, exclusive articles and weekly insights from Joanie “McGranny” Marx.

Joanie Marx Book Trailer Baby Boomer Statistics for Facelifts Money Prince Charming 2 YouTube